Humanity & Inclusion Virtual Team Building event on demand – aNa artist’s digital mural protocol offers to collaborate remotely, all together, to create a magnificent artwork.

Discover your collaborative artwork
Congratulations ! During this past days you have been part of a collaborative remote exercice. You created a personal answer by drawing “What in your work helps people feel protected?“. You had tons of great ideas.
So aNa artist created a meaningful global backdrop with all your drawings.
Your Ideas’ backdrop

And then, she was able to imagine a digital collaborative artwork.
aNa’s digital mural created especially for you

Your Digital mural Timelapse
aNa artist’s personal drawing
You can even choose to focus on aNa’s lines

Welcome Humanity & Inclusion teammates
Our Virtual Team Building event
To be part of the creative remote activity, please click on that “JOIN” button below…
aNa artist’s drawing app.
If you want to reach the drawing app. directly go to:
Who is aNa artist ?
A global artist
aNa is a world wide digital artist. She creates Digital Murals with teammates from all around the planet!
Your magnificent artwork
Your wonderful collaborative artwork will be set up here, just after the Online Reveal schedule on February the 10th at 5:30pm.
Remember… The question you guys had to answer by drawing online… was :
What in your work helps people feel protected?
The photo contest is over
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