Digital Ice Breaker

Digital Ice Breaker – Team Building Activity done Remotely

Digital Ice Breaker  – GRDF Team Building Activity Remotely done .

Welcome GRDF Teammates. You guys play with us and  aNa artist on 2021 April the 7th.

So you now can discover your event Reveal with Time Lapse dans Digital Mural memory.


You had to play art remotely by drawing simple shape online.


aNa well received all your contributions.


Congratulation Folks ! You did so clever.

Play ART !

Old School! Discover aNa’s Live OFFERS !

aNa artist

aNa is a world wide social art artist.

She works digitally and live.

She wants to share her passion with everybody by inviting them to collaborate live or remotely to create all together contemporary artworks all together without special skill or training.

Your Digital Mural Event Guidelines.

A perfect Ice-Breaker follow simple rules.


aNa needs plain drawings.


Please use the all frame.

without Words

Please No Words and no Numbers.

without black

aNa needs Black Color during her black line creation.

Building Together our  2021 business Goals…

1 – You first have to create pictures or drawing to answer our first question. You can use your personal “Paint” software or the online version we share with you.

So now… :

What means for you our “SIT2P Spring break program” ?

2 – Please save your file as soon as your done  ( Paint menu “File/save”…)

3 – Load here your File


Info. or question…

Question n°2

Following the same protocol, please answer the second question :
Which Goal do you sincerely imagine you can easily reach. Or What would you need ?